Friday, October 7, 2011


"You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses"

This means that in life you can either look at the positives in life or the negatives. it's like the same thing as is the glass half full or half empty?! I try to look at the posotives in life, but sometimes it's just hard! i know people who are just 'debbie downers' about everything! it's hard to even be around them! i think people can influence you the same when you're around it. like, when you're around someone who is sad you are usually sad with him and when they're happy you are typically in a good mood! it sometimes is just really hard to look at the good. like when you get a C- on a math test, and you get upset because it's a bad grade but you can always look at it like well it's better than last time when i got a D+. I think people need to stop being so upset and appreciate things in life! :)

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